Friday, 30 October 2009

The History Of The Digi Pack

A Digipak is a patented style of compact disc or DVD packaging. Digi-Pack-style packaging is often used for CD singles or special editions of CD albums. Since the packaging is less durable than jewel cases, it tends to show signs of wear relatively quickly

Digipaks usually consist of a gatefold (book-style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays holding a CD or DVD attached to the inside. Digipaks are the first answer to jewel cases to be used by major record companies, The term Digipak or Digi-Pak is used, when the media holder is the focus or ‘Soft Spot’ rather than a full plastic tray. Greater

Digipak-style packaging is often used for CD singles or special editions of CD albums and the tall DVD Digipak (DVDigipak) is used as a premium package for DVDs and DVD sets. Due to the fact that there less risk of the CD/DVD being scratched, than jewel cases, it tends to show signs of wear relatively quickly. Licensed Digipak manufacturers such as domestic U.S. printer and disc replicator Oasis Disc Manufacturing recommend coating the raw printed paper with a protective UV coating, ensuring that it lasts longer.

Although, it seems that there is less at risk of cracking than a jewel case, the disc tray inside the package (particularly the "teeth" of the hub which secure the disc in place) remains rather brittle and is prone to cracking if the package is crushed. Digipak-style cases grew in popularity among record labels and recording artists in the early 2000s.

Manufacturers have asked to reduce environmental impact and improve functionality by introducing recycled components into its trays; one has announced a 100% post-consumer PET tray made from recycled bottles, which also eliminates the need for the brittle "teeth". Many printers use recycled or sustainable material for the board stock.

Historically, Digipak was only available in large quantities. However, AGI has recently introduced a new product called Digipak I-Create for the consumer market. Digipak I-Create is a web-supported concept that is aimed at the download, music, photo and creative markets.

Half Term

It has been along time since I visited the Blog, in fact it has been over a week. But I have a valid excuse, I have been working at the BBC - this is not the place where I should be telling you happened. Although its the half term I have done some research into the Digi Pack and Magazine Cover.

Anyway, I'm back to school on Monday continuing the filming for the video so I've got to love you and leave you.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

From CD Cover And Webpage To Digi-Pack And Magazine Cover

From CD Cover & Webpage
Today we had a talk about the second part of the coursework whereby we must increase the sales and promote our Music Video. In order to do so we must create a media text to go alongside the video. After reading the syllabus Mr. Johnson decided that we create a CD Cover and Webpage. Therefore we would use programmes such as Photo Shop along with our creative ideas to create these products. Due to the fact that creating these two products will mean learning two new programmes along with getting to grips with using the Cameras and IMovie Mr. Johnson thought that we should scrap this and therefore created another invention. (As a class we all agreed because as students we all want less to do)

To DigiPak & Magazine Cover
To make life easier for ourselves, the class as well as Mr.Johnson decided that we create a Digipak and Magazine Cover. Therefore all we had to do is learn and understand how to use 'Photo Shop' - which is great for people like me who find it hard to learn new things although once taught, is a PRO.

Well its going to be a challenge but I look forward to it!

Grade Boundaries

Level 4 – Top Standard – A*

Candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in creative use of the following technical skills:

  • · Holding a shot steady
  • · Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate.
  • · Using a variety of shot distances
  • · Shooting material appropriate to set
  • · Selecting Mise-en-Scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting
  • · Editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer
  • · Using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately
  • · Using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task where a candidate has worked in a group, an excellent contribution to construction is evident




0 - 14


15 – 23


24 – 31


32 – 40

Monday, 19 October 2009

Filming - The Street Scene

It has been along time since I have done any filming or rehearsals but now I have started again it is going well. I have started filming the new scene. Previously this was going to be the skate park but I have changed this due to weather conditions which in fact have got better. In order to stick to the theme I wanted create I have decided to shoot the scene in a basketball court. Although this is not going to look as good as I pictured it, it will still make the cut for the video.

Friday, 16 October 2009


As you may know I have made a start on filiming my music video. A few problems have risen due tothe fact that I am also featuring in others videos. In addtion some individuals who feature in my video hvae their own video to complete. I am unabl e to edit my music video due to saving errors that occur on the IMac computers. Once this is resolved I am going to undergo this process and edit the video into a sequence. For the time being I am going to continue filming my video.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

2 Become 1 and Goodbye - Spice Girls

When writing this post, I was thinking 'All The Single Ladies' but then I found a more appropriate title. Spice Girls ' 2 Become 1' and 'Goodbye'. Although a love song, I can relate it to my work. I have lost a dear friend Pui-San. Due to complications Pui-San had to leave the group but the feeling is mutual ... at least thats what she thinks. Just joking. Although not there in person she is there in spirit.

Before I go here's a video for you and it's actually good. Placing singers in the middle of locations and adding editing e.g. zoom in and outs to create an effect.

Spice Girls - 2 Become 1

The video Goodbye shows some kind of storyline of friends being lost and finally find each other. Storylines in a music video are good concepts to take.

Spice Girls - Goodbye

Receptive Theory

  • Due to the limitations and problems of the Effects and Gratification a different approach was taken o audience by Stuart Hall in 1970's.
  • The theory states that texts were encoded with meaning by producers and decoded (understood) by audiences. E.g. Watch NSPCC ads whereby we need to help the needy

The theory suggests that ...
  • A prouder constructs a text it is encoded with a meaning or message that the producer wishes to convey to the audience.
  • In some instances audiences will correctly decode the message/meaning and understand what the producer was trying to say.
  • In some instances the audience will either reject or fail to correctly understand the message.
Stuart Hall identified 3 types of audience readings (decoding) of the text:
  1. Dominant
  2. Negotiated
  3. Oppositional
  • The audience decodes the message as the producer wants them to do and broadly agrees it.
  • E.g. Watching a political speech and agreeing with it. Bruce Springsteen - Born In The USA

  • Where the audience accepts, rejects or refines elements of the text in light of previously held view.
  • E.g. Neither agree or disagreeing with the political speech or being disinterested.
  • Where the dominate meaning is recognised but rejected for cultural political or ideological reasons.
  • E.g. Total rejection of the political speech and active opposition.

Receptive Model Diagram

Monday, 12 October 2009

Gratification Model

  • It is clear that there is any link between the consumption of violent media texts and violent imitative behaviour.
  • It is also clear blue theory is flawed in that many people do watch violent texts and appear not to be influenced.
  • In doing so another theory is created - this is known as 'The Use & Gratification Model'.

The Uses & Gratification Model

The theory is opposite to the the:

  • Effects Model
  • The audience is active
  • The audience uses the text and is NOT used by it.
  • The audience uses the textfor it's own gratification or pleasure.

Here the power lies with the audience NOT procedures.

  • The theory emphasises what audience do with media texts/
  • How and why they use them?

Audiences therefore use media texts to gratify needs for:

  • Diversion
  • Escapism
  • Information
  • Pleasure
  • Compare relationships and lifestyle ones own.
  • Sexual stiulation

Audience is in control and consumption of the media helps people with issues such as:

  • Learning
  • Emotional satisfaction
  • Relaxation
  • Issues of personal identity
  • Issues of social identity
  • Issues of agression and violence

  • Contriversailly the theory sugguests that the consumption of violent imagescan be helpful rather thanharmful.
  • Audiences also act out the impulses and release the feelings through the consumption of media violence.

    Audience inclination towards violence is therfore sublimated, and thay are less likely to commit violent acts.

The Effects/Hypodermic Model

*This is related to the Audience Theory*

Effects Model
  • Consumption of media text has an effect/influence the audience.
  • Negative effect
  • Audiences are powerless (can not help) to prevent the influence. *Passive*
  • The power lies in the message of the text - no matter what we can't do nothing about it

Hypodermic Model

  • Messages in media texts are *injected* into the audience by the powerful, *syringe0like* media.
  • Audience is powerless to resist.
  • Media works like a drug and th audience isdrugged, addicted or duped (fooled).

Evidence Of Effects Model - Bobo Doll Experiment

Contriversal piece of research that children copy violent behaviour conduted in 1961 by Albert Bandura.

In conlusion the experiment demonstrated how children will imitatae violent media content. Many problems with the experiment:

  1. What do you think are the flaws with the moethodology?
  2. Does it indeed prove that children imitate violent media content?

Key Examples of Media Texts that contribute to violence include:

  • Childs Play 3 - viloence projected/shown in the murder of James Bulger in 1993

  • Manhunt - resulted to the muder of Stefan Pakeerah in 2004 by friend Warren LeBlanc.
  • A Clockwork Orange (1971) in a number of rapes and violent attacks.
  • Servance (2006) murder of Simon Everitt.

In each case it was found that NO case could be proven to demonstrate a link between the text and the violent acts.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009


There have been alterations made to my video due to disagreements within the group. Previous band member and dancer Maureen has left . As a result I have decided to have only three memebers within the group and three backing dancers. It happened to Destinys Child and it happened to me, I actually feel privilegde!

In addition I have also decided not to use the skate park as one of my locations. This is due to the fact that the weather conditions have bhanged since my initial ideas and have got worse.

Any other changes made to the video will be posted.

Rehearsal 2 - The Gym Scene

I was looking so forward to the next rehearsal but then it goes pear shaped when we are told that the booking we have made has been canceled and we have to wait until 4pm. In order to kill time we decided to go over the dance moves as well as the verses the dancers will be singing.

We were so excited to begin shooting the video. Our first scence of the video is located in a dance studio. It is so perfect for my video and I cant wait for it to be all over. In order to ensure that I get the right shot I have asked the dancers to repeat the actions so that I can get different shots in different angles. This therefore allows me to choose from range of different clips.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Rehearsal 1 - Lets Get It Started

'Let's Get It Started' by Black Eyed Peas.

Our first rehearsal was hetic but we got there in the end. To make it easier I sent the dancers and singers the track via their mobiles. In addtion I gave them a copy of the lyrics so that they could learn the words. Patience one of the dancers really likes the song and was able to pick up the words easy. As we got going, everyone was able to sing along.

After a while I decided that it would be a good idea to allow each individual dancer to add a single dance move into the music video. Although some difficulties had risen through this process due to the fact that some people were unable to meet the dance move changes were made we came together with a good dance sequence.

Our dancer include Patience, Shaunica, Dionne and Maureen.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Stage 5 - Live Shows

Here is where we start to do the making of the music video. Im sure this will be the videos of all videos. I hope it makes the charts of Music Videos of Robert Clack Media. Throughout the 'Live Show' process I will provide you with rehearsal videos and pictures of the bands progress. So stayed tuned and watch out for the up and coming video of 4Flavas - Untouchable.

Audience Theory

The three theories of audiences tha we can apply to helps us come to a better understanding about the relationship between texta and audience.
  • Effects Model or Hypodermic Model
  • Uses and Gratifications Model
  • Reception Theory

Questions to Consider

  1. Why do audiences choose to consume certain text?
  2. How do they consume texts?
  3. What happens when they consume texts?